The second in our series exploring the “Scents of Clean” by Heather Lane Despite the challenges of the pandemic, people are still on the move. This means transportation businesses must be nimble and proactive in finding ways to reassure travelers that...
The first installment of articles all about “The Sense of Clean.” by Heather Lane Toss out everything you think you know about clean scents. The scent of clean is much more than the overwhelming, pungent odor of bleach or the burning, alcohol-based hand sanitizers...
How Prolitec Ambient Scent Can Help Multi-Family Properties During The Covid-19 Pandemic by Heather Lane With 43% of the global population fully at home, living spaces are now being used as classrooms, daycares, personal gyms, offices, and places to prepare...
The third installment of our series on our partners who have achieved record success and just how they did it by Heather Lane One of the greatest aspects of a client relationship is trust. This belief is something Nouvel Elements, an India-based provider of Prolitec’s...
These days people are reluctant to leave their homes, let alone schedule elective or non-urgent procedures in a hospital. This not only puts people at risk as they delay visiting healthcare providers, but hospitals are in danger of catastrophic economic losses. Since...