Prolitec’s Passion Mystique scent is picking up speed at the largest official Mercedes-Benz dealer in Korea, Han Sung Motors. Diffused in every showroom, the fragrance will also be incorporated in air fresheners and as gifts to Han Sung Motors’ Mercedes-Benz VIP...
Prolitec has left a ‘scent’sational footprint in casinos from Las Vegas to Macau, the gambling capitals of the world. And more recently, our AirQ scenting technology has been recognized by Casino Life Magazine, the leading business-to-business publication in the...
The best shopping experience doesn’t cost an arm and a leg, but it does take a nose. As the leader in scent marketing, Prolitec uses ambient scent to enhance the shopping experience in malls and shopping centers around the world. This work was recently recognized by...
Scent systems that will enhance your office space It’s no surprise companies that use scent marketing are increasing, but what about office properties? Turns out more office spaces are turning to ambient scent to create relaxing work environments. With more employees...
It might be time to take it easy on the disinfection craze. A revised guidance issued earlier this month by the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) discouraged constantly disinfecting surfaces, calling it merely visual reassurance rather than effective...