This is the final post in our series about improving the airport experience. Read our post on improving the airport security experience here and our post on improving airport entertainment here.

Did you know over 100 US airports now have pet relief areas inside passenger terminals? This is thanks to the 2015 Department of Transportation declaration that all air terminals that serve more than 10,000 daily passengers have a post-security pet relief area inside the terminal.

The US Department of Transportation has mandated that airports provide pet relief areas for their four-legged travelers inside terminalsThe US Department of Transportation has mandated that airports provide pet relief areas for their four-legged travelers inside terminals

As you can imagine, these new airport pet relief areas have created a bit of a smelly situation in airports across the country. If airports are not properly providing odor elimination for pet relief areas, passengers will be dissatisfied with the airport experience and will look for other ways to travel.

If airport pet relief areas have an unpleasant odor, passengers can be unhappy and have health concerns

More than just a simple annoyance, unpleasant odors increase passenger fear of serious health concerns.

Veterinary Practice News reports that veterinary clinic clients worry about health issues when spaces with animals do not smell fresh.

“Clients are especially sensitive. They worry about germs and infectious disease, and their trust may falter if floors, walls, etc aren’t kept sparkling clean and fresh-smelling.”


–            Veterinary Practice News, 2009

Passengers near pet relief areas could worry about germs and infectious diseases if odor control needs go unaddressed
Passengers near pet relief areas could worry about germs and infectious diseases if odor control needs go unaddressed

Of course, airport facility managers need to be mindful of the odor elimination services or products they use to combat odors in pet relief areas. Airport facilities managers may find traditional air fresheners or odor elimination products are inconsistent at best, and often mask a malodor with an equally unpleasant chemical smell.

And recent research suggests that unpleasant chemical odors can have much more of an impact on our health than previously believed.

Physiologists at the Monell Chemical Senses Center have found that simply smelling an odor that we believe might be dangerous has caused negative physical reactions:

“When we expect that an odor is harmful, our bodies react as if that odor is indeed harmful.”


–            Cristina Jaén, PhD, Monell Chemical Senses Center, 2014

Research has shown that smelling fragrances with strong chemicals that we might believe are harmful has caused negative physical reactions
Research has shown that smelling fragrances with strong chemicals that we might believe are harmful has caused negative physical reactions

When faced with solutions for odor elimination in airport pet relief areas that might do more harm than good, it can seem like there is no viable solution for airport facility managers.

Thankfully, this is not the case.

With an ever-growing focus on customer service that appeals to all 5 senses, there have been a number of innovators who provide odor remediation services.

Prolitec, the industry leader in odor removal services and commercial ambient scenting, has worked tirelessly since 1996 to perfect an odor eliminating system that neutralizes odors while adding a barely-there pleasant scent to subtly soothe busy travelers.

With over two decades of experience, Prolitec has emerged as a leader in creating safe, pleasant scents for commercial use. All Prolitec scenting services comply with International Fragrance Association requirements, as well as standards set by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.

Best of all? The Prolitec commercial odor removal system is efficient and cost-effective.

Prolitec commercial scent machines can replace up to 10 traditional air fresheners.

Prolitec odor elimination services are more effective and less expensive than traditional odor control products
Prolitec odor elimination services are more effective and less expensive than traditional odor control products

Prolitec’s long history of client success means that we offer our customers a proven performance record with happy client testimonials in the transportation industry.

Our transportation clients enjoy passenger comments reporting that high-traffic, previously unpleasant-smelling places noticeably smell great once Prolitec scenting services are installed:

“We are very pleased with the results by choosing AirQ scent technology. We hear a lot of good comments about how good the restrooms and areas of the terminal smell.”


– Ismail Shafeeq, Managing Director, Maldives Airport Company

Prolitec fragrances have a track record of successful odor elimination in environments with some of the most persistent odors, with proven success in places from airport restrooms to foul-smelling locker rooms.

Contact Prolitec today to learn more about our commercial scenting services—your two and four-legged passengers will thank you!
Contact Prolitec today to learn more about our commercial scenting services—your two and four-legged passengers will thank you!

Watch our video below on odor elimination in airport pet relief areas to find out more about what Prolitec commercial odor control services can do for you.

And if your airport is ready to say goodbye to pet odors and strong chemical cleaner smells, contact one of our dedicated representatives today!