“The Road Ahead,” a video series hosted by Club + Resort Business, explores how country clubs are moving forward with innovative new programs, events, and amenities. In the most recent episode, Bob Wiegand, head of maintenance and housekeeping at Racine Country Club, shared his experience with Prolitec scenting services.
“As soon as you walk in the front door of the club you smell it. If you were to wander downstairs, it’s a continuous smell. It’s been wonderful. If we need to turn it up, I call them up and they’re out here within a day or two and they’re really nice to work with.”
The Wisconsin-based country club features an 18-hole golf course, swimming pools, tennis courts, and a elegant clubhouse. Unfortunately, their clubhouse presented a challenge to member experience as drainage and elevation issues caused stubborn musty odors. After trying everything from exhaust fans to pressurizing the building, Racine reached out to Prolitec to solve the issue.
“It was flawless. They did a scope of measurements on the area that would be covered and what we needed to cover,” says Wiegand. “After our comprehensive site survey service, we placed two diffusion appliances downstairs and one upstairs.”
The results were instant and consistent. According to Wiegand, “It’s not even an issue anymore, it’s been fantastic.”
Watch the full video here.